Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh how I miss Ava's crib...

I did it, I finally took down Ava's crib. I left it up so long due to my own laziness, I like to sleep. Once you put that little girl in her crib you didn't see or hear from her until 9:00-9:30. Don't get me wrong, we have tried the toddler bed before. It didn't work so well and I didn't have the patience. She had a crib and a bed in her room for a long time and that probably confused her I suppose. She wanted to sleep in her "big bed" so we let her try. After a few chances we gave up and put her in the crib. Kyle decided she was too old for her crib and I have to agree, I just didn't want to. She will be 3 soon and I guess I have to let her grow up. Once the crib was down my heart sank just a little bit. She is growing up too fast and it makes me sad. She is fully potty trained and now the big bed. Where has my baby gone? I guess I was trying to hold on to that one last thing from when she was a baby, strange I guess. Anyways, this bed idea was as bad as I thought it was going to be. SHE WILL NOT STAY IN HER BED!!!!!!! I get mad, she laughs, oh how I miss that crib. I try to listen to super nanny but what does she know? Jokes, it kind of works but not really. The first night I sat on the floor for 1 hour 30 minutes. Shoot me in the head please. The second night she didn't have a nap that day so it didn't take too long but last night was pure hell. Almost 3 hours! I sat there for the first hour but couldn't take it any longer so I got Kyle. He sat there for the next hour and I was getting mad. I went back up and let Kyle get some sleep, it was almost midnight by this time. I guess your not supposed to say anything or make eye contact, if they get out just put them back in the bed. I don't know what I am doing at all. Nobody talks about these things so I guess your on your own. I guess I couldn't let her nap anymore but she loves to nap and if she doesn't she is a nightmare. She usually naps for 2 hours so I could bump it down to 1 and see if that works. Who knows but hopefully it will get easier soon because I don't think I can do this for much longer. Even though I am not doing anything while I am sitting there, it is exhausting. I refuse to let her sleep in my bed, she never has and she never will. I don't want her to get in that habit. I also won't sleep in her bed, I just don't want her to be dependent on Kyle and I to fall asleep. That may be harsh but that's how it is minus the fact that I can't sleep with a kicking child. She doesn't stop moving. It has to get better right? Maybe by the time she's 4...


  1. You are not on your own. We put Jet in a big boy bed almost 2 months ago. We did it early as I read to get them in a toddler bed before they can climb out of the crib. He does really really well. The few times that he has cried when we put him to bed, and has gotten out of bed, we just lay beside the bed. I never talk to him unless he is hysterical, and I just say mommys going to sleep, and that had worked for us. I have lost my temper too but I let cody deal with him then, because I know it wont help anything. She will get the hang of it, its just coping with it until she does! good luck!

  2. Maybe you could try getting a child proof thing for her door knob so she can't open it. That way she would atleast have to stay in her room until she falls asleep. All these tough decisions parents have to make! I can't believe she and Ty are going to be three this month!
