Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Through and Through

Jaxen is a little boy through and through. He loves anything to do with trucks, cars, boats, or quads. He also loves his Papa Max. Every time my dad comes to visit, Jaxen makes him play cars. This visit my dad was reading the Trader and Jaxen crawled on his lap to read with him. It was a good half hour or so and Jaxen was heartbroken when they were done. I am happy that Jaxen is so content playing with his cars, it gives me some time to do "mother/wife duties". Jaxen is growing up so fast. I was just thinking today, we don't need the baby gate, the high chair, baby food, no more baby items. It makes me sad but it also makes me so happy at the same time. I love the independence and the fact that we will be able to do so much more this summer. Jaxen does have a temper though. He gets so upset and can't calm down, it's hard sometimes. I can't even calm him myself, I have to leave him and sometimes send him to his room. There has been a few times when I have had to leave places because his is freaking out so badly. It's humiliating but I have gotten through the horrible stares and continued on with my day. It's hard wanting to go into a store to get a couple of things but leaving empty handed because of your child. I guess that's part of life and what am I going to do about it? I can't go through life pretending my child is perfect when clearly they are misbehaving. It's truly a learning experience for me. I have NO patience and it's something I struggle with. I have found myself finding some a little each day. Sometimes there is nothing you can do and yelling or getting mad will only make it worse. This mother business is definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be. How hard could it be to raise a human being? REALLY HARD. I do love my children and I would never change a thing. People ask me all the time. Are you going to have more? NO! Not now anyways.


  1. uggh i know what you mean karli. it can be so frustrating! it is probably just the age, i am sure he will grow out of it!

  2. Ty is always jumping on the couch, and I am constantly asking him not to. Today after telling him a few times, he was doing it again and I said "Ty, (maybe a little harshly) and before I could say anything else he says "your driving me crazy!" I do say that to him A LOT. It was so funny, I couldn't even get mad at him. I do tell him a lot that its a good thing he's so cute too. They can definitely be a handful.

  3. I hear ya. My girls don't do the public tantrum thing much but at home is enough to drive me insane!
    Someone told me when you struggle with patience (or whatever it is your struggling with) you'll be tested more for it, so you learn it. How is that fair right? I'll just pretend i'm awesome at it, maybe i'll stop getting tested! ha
    Good luck, it'll pass i'm sure :)
